Dear visitor, welcome !












首先,老师必须下载安装客户端,具体地址请向管理员索要,安装完毕之后,需要点击开始按钮,在“所有程序”中找到ET Class,并在桌面上产生快捷方式,以便日后使用。每位老师用自己的IDPW登录客户端。




第二行包含按钮课程Course”,“My account”和“Help”。

默认状态是显示“Course”页面。该页面下有“最近课程Recent Course”和“Feedback反馈”,两个子页面。

My account”,点击“My account”显示用户的个人资料,可以进行修改。






最近课程 “Recent Lessons”



在“Recent course最近课程”下面完成课程记录的输入,课程情况登记等操作:






 Export输出”:右键单击,选择“Export”,输出页面上的所有课程记录内容,也可以选择“Export Column选择性输出”,选择某些栏目输出。




另外,点击右键,可以显示老师的日程表“Teacher’s schedule”。







































Frequently Answered Questions



答:访问, 出现一个对话框,在其中输入自己的IDPW,就可以进入工作界面。




答:在“Recent Course”界面下,右键点击,在菜单中选择“添加Add”,出现“添加”对话框,在其中输入上课日期、上课时间、学生编号等内容,然后选择“保存”。等到出现“添加成功”,点击“确定”,完成该操作。























9. “正常下课”和“正常下课0.5”有什么不同?






11. 如何对学生的上课进行评价?







Efficient Tuition Language School

Operational Instructions


Online Management System




In order to enhance service experience of students, improve the level of administration and make fully use of network’s advantages, the School has developed a set of online administration system based on the specific needs of the School. This System is equipped with complete features such as recording, statistics, etc. The manual statistics will be decreased significantly because all the data can be shared within the system and the electronic administration will be achieved by using such system.



The instructions on how to use this system is detailed as follows:


Firstly, the School will assign an ID and PW to every teacher. The teacher can visit, and enter the working interface by inputting individual’s ID and PW in the dialogue box.


Entering the working interface, the first line displays a greeting word, the teacher’s name, ID, and current Beijing time. The right end of this line is the “Exit” button through which the teacher can exit the working interface.


The second line of working interface consists of four sheets, “Recent Lessons” (“最近课程”) indicates the reserved lessons for recent 8 days (including yesterday). “Messages” (消息中心”) can manage messages, send message to student or Admin, and read the received messages. “Schedule” (“日历表”) also indicates the reserved lessons for recent 8 days (including yesterday). “Statistics” (“个人统计”) indicates statistics information of individual teacher.



最近课程 “Recent Lessons”

The reserved lessons for recent 8 days (including yesterday) are indicated in this sheet. The lessons for the current day are indicated in blue color. Each reservation record consists of class date, attendance time, student’s ID, remaining lessons, expiry date, remark, comment, status, and attendance record. Move the mouse to the right end of each column, a black arrow will appear, and click the black arrow to list the data according the sequence of such key word. The teacher can check such student’s lessons for the current month by clicking the “Student’s ID” (“学生帐号”).


Various function buttons available under the “Recent Lessons” are described as follows:


Operation: This button is designed to record the status of class.

Such operation is permitted within 6 hours after the class time. Select the desired reservation record, click the “Operation” button, select “Done” (“正常下课”), “Done 0.5” (“正常下课0.5), “Student Absence” (“旷课”) or “Others” (“其他”), and confirm. The details must be explained in the “Remark” column if select “Others”. There are 7 statuses available. Among them, the teacher can select four, “Done”, “Done 0.5”, “Student Absence”, or “Others”, the student can select two “Cancel” (“取消”) or “Teacher Absence”(“老师缺勤”) . If the teacher fails to perform the proper operation after the class, the status of such class will become “Expired” (“已过期”) automatically.


Comment: This button is designed to make comment on the student’s behavior during the class.

After the class, click “Comment” to give comment on the student’s behavior during the class.


Add: This button is designed to add new reservation record before the starting time.

Click the “Add” button, input date, time and student’s ID in the pop-up box, and confirm. Note: the time of the lesson to be added must be after the current time. The interval of two lessons for the same student must be half an hour at least. For example, Student A has a lesson at 9, and the latest upcoming lesson must be at 9:30.


Edit: This button is designed to modify or edit the previous reservation record 3 hours before the starting time.

Select the desired reservation record, click the “Modify” button, edit the original reservation record, and confirm. AS the student can enter into his/her “My Page” through website, and cancel the reserved lesson. The teacher can not cancel the reserved lesson. If any urgent circumstance occurs within 3 hours before the starting time, the teacher must make remarks in the “Remark” column and select such reservation, click “Operation” (“操作”) button to select “Others” (“其他”) after the end of such lesson.


Remark: This button is designed to make remarks on reservation record.

Select the desired reservation record, click the “Remark” (“备注”) button, and input the remarks in the field.


Update: This button is designed to update the system information.

Click the “Update” button and update the system information.


Send a message: This button is designed to send message to others.

Click the “Send a message” button, input “Receiver”, “Subject” and “Contents” in the pop-up dialogue box, click send and sure.


Feedback: This button is designed to collect feedback from student after class.

After the class, click the “Feedback” (“反馈”) button, and send the pop-up link to the student so that the student can complete and submit the feedback.


In addition, the following functions are available:

1. Check history record of student

Procedures: click the desired “Student ID” in blue color and the history record of such student will be indicated in an independent sheet with the Student ID. Such sheet can be closed through clicking the close button at right top.

2. Record attendance

The “Attendance” (“考勤”) button is in blue color from 15 minutes before the starting time through 30 minutes after the starting time. Click this button to record attendance time, and the attendance time will be indicated in the “Attendance time” column. The attendance time will be in red color if the “Attendance” button is clicked before the starting time and in red color if the button is pressed after the starting time.

3. Auto calculation of remaining lessons

When the record of class status is completed, the remaining lessons will be calculated and indicated automatically. In addition, the valid duration for the service package purchased by such student is indicated in the “Expiry date” (过期时间) column for the teacher’s convenience.



The operations permitted under the “Recent Lessons” (“最近课程”) are summarized as follows:


Status (indicated)

Permitted operations

3 hours before the starting time

Reserved (in blue color)

Modify the date, time of reserved lesson (the time to be modified must be after the current time), modify the student ID, and add remark.

Within 3 hours before the starting time

Reserved (fixed) (in gray color)

Modify the remark only.

Within 15 minutes before the starting time

 “Start soon” (in 15 minutes) (in orange color)

Modify the remark and record attendance.

Within 1 hour after the starting time

“During class” (in green color)

Click the “Operation” button, record the class status, add comments, and modify remark. The record of attendance is permitted within 30 minutes after the starting time.

Within 6 hours after the starting time

Perform operation (in red color)

Click the “Operation” button, record the class status, add comments, and modify remark.

6 hours after the staring time

Expired (in brown color)

Modify the remark only.




“消息中心” “Messages”

Under such sheet, the teacher can check received and sent messages, and send message to others. Click the title of message to read the details if have.


Click “Messages”, the teacher can find the “Received”, “Sent”, “Send a message”, “Reply a message” and “Update” buttons. The teacher can check the received messages in “Received”, and click the subject to read the detailed message. The sent messages can be checked in the “Sent”. Click “Send a message” to send message to other teachers and students by performing the following steps: input receiver in the “Receiver” field, fill in “Subject” and “Contents”, click send and sure. The “Update” button is used to update the system information.


 “日历表” “Schedule”

Under such sheet, the teacher can check the schedule for recent 8 days (including yesterday).




 “个人统计” “Statistics”

The statistics of lessons given for the current month is indicated under this sheet.

Entering the “Statistics” sheet, the second line consists of the “Valid”, “Invalid”, “Total”, “Expand”, and “Collapse” buttons, and the right end of such line is “Current Month”, “From    to   ” (time selection window) and “Search” button. The “Valid” (“有效”) button is designed to indicate the total lessons with four valid statuses such as “Done” (“正常下课”), “Done 0.5” (“正常下课0.5), “Student Absence” (“旷课”) or “Others” (“其他”). The “Invalid” (“无效”) button is designed to indicate the total lessons with four invalid statuses such as “Cancelled(“取消”) or “Teacher Absence”(“老师缺勤”), “Expired” (“已过期”) and “Reserved” (“预约中”). Such statistics also can be indicated by the class date, Student ID, class status, remaining lessons, attendance time by performing the following steps: move the mouse to the right end of each column, a black arrow will appear, and click the black arrow to list the data according the sequence of such key word. In addition, the data can be listed by the selected time period entered in the time selection window. The “Collapse” (“折叠”) and “Expand” (“展开”) buttons can be used to open or close the data of individual groups.






Efficient Tuition Language School









Frequently Answered Questions


1. How to log in my working interface?

A: Visit, input individual’s ID and PW in the pop-up box to enter the working interface.


2. How to add new reservation record?

A: Click the “Add” (“添加”) button, input the date, time, and student ID, and select “Save” (“保存”). Click “Sure” (“确定”) after the message “The reservation is added successfully” (“添加成功”) is indicated.


3. How to modify the reservation record?

A: The reservation record can be modified 3 hours before the starting time. Select the desired reservation record, click “Edit” (“编辑”) to modify the date, time and student ID, click “Modify” (“修改”), and click “Sure” (“确定”) after the message “The modification is conducted successfully” (“修改成功”).


4. How to record the class status?

A: The teacher can select the desired reservation record within 6 hours after the starting time, click “Operation” (“操作”) button to record the status of such lesson.


5. How to record the attendance time?

A: The teacher can press the “Attendance” (“出勤”) button at right end of reservation record and the system will record the attendance time automatically.


6. How to avoid missing operations?

A: This online management system must be logged in and maintained in advance. This system will send alerts to remind the teacher of various operations.


7. How to receive and send messages?

A: Click “Messages” (“消息中心”), open “Received” (“收件箱”) to read the received messages. Click “Send a message” (“发送消息”), a dialogue box of “Send a message” (“发送消息”) will appear, select the receiver and input subject and contents, click “Send” (“发送”), and select “Sure” (“确定”) after the message “This message is sent successfully” (“消息发送成功”).


8. How to check the recent schedule?

A: The teacher may check the reserved lessons for recent 7 days in the “Recent Lessons” (“最近课程”) or the “Schedule” page (“日历表”).


9. How to make statistics of lessons given in the current month?

A: As default, the lessons give in the current month will be indicated in “Statistics” (“个人统计”) sheet. Move the mouse to the right end of the “Student ID” (“学生帐号”) column, a black arrow appears, click and select “Group by this key word” (“按本字段分组”), the statistics will be indicated in groups by individual students IDs, similarly, move the mouse to the right end of the “Status” column, click and select “Group by this key word” (“按本字段分组”), the data will be indicated in groups by individual statuses.


10. How to check the lessons in selected time periods?

A: As default, the lessons within the current month will be indicated in “Statistics” (“个人统计”) page. The teacher can input the desired time period in the time selection fields at right end of operation line, and click “Search” (“搜索”) to indicate the lessons in the selected time period. Other functions are the same as the above mentioned.


11. How to check the lessons record of a certain student?

A: Click a “Student ID” (学生帐号) in any reservation record to show the lessons record for such student. The teacher also can search the lessons record of such student in the selected time period.


12. What is the difference between “Done” (“正常下课”) and “Done 0.5” (“正常下课0.5)?

A: “Done” (“正常下课”) refers to successful completion of a regular lesson (50 minutes) and “Done 0.5” (“正常下课0.5) refers to successful completion of half regular lesson (25 minutes).


13. How to collect feedback from student after the class?

A: When the lesson is finished, click “Feedback” button (“反馈”) and send the pop-up link to the student so that the student can complete and submit such feedback.


14. How to make comments on the student’s behavior during the class?

A: When the lesson is finished, click “Comments” button (“评论”) and enter the comments on the student’s behavior during the class.




Index of terms 术语表(中英对照)


你好,现在是北京时间            Hello, XX now the Beijing time is


退出                            Exit

最近课程                     Recent Lessons

消息中心                     Messages

日历表                        Schedule

个人统计                     Statistics

操作                            Operation

评论                            Comments

添加                            Add

编辑                            Edit

备注                            Remark

刷新                            Update

发送消息                     Send a message

反馈                            Feedback

预约日期                     Reservation date

出勤时间                     Attendance time

学生帐号                     Student ID

剩余                            Remaining lessons

过期时间                     Expiry date

备注                            Remarks

评论                            Comment

状态                            Class status

考勤                            Record of attendance

出勤                            Attendance

收件箱                        Received messages

发件箱                        Sent messages

发送消息                     Send a message

回复消息                     Reply

刷新                            Update

有效                            Valid lessons

无效                            Invalid lessons

所有                            Total lessons

展开                            Expand

折叠                            Collapse

正常下课                     Done

正常下课0.5               Done 0.5

学生旷课                     Student absence

其它                            Others

已过期                        Expired

老师缺勤                     Teacher absence

已取消                        Canceled

预约中                        Reserved

正序                            In increasing sequence

逆序                            In decreasing sequence

按本字段分组             Group by this key word

本月                            Current month

搜索                            Search